SEO-optimised events calendar.

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In today's world of digitalisation, it is crucial for business owners of an online business to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.

We discovered a very handy and powerful tool who will help you do this. Setting up a SEO-optimised digital event calendar

This digital calendar not only provides more visitors in your online shop or website. But brings in combination with ticket sale also money in the bank!

In this blog, we explain why and how how to create an SEO-optimised events calendar for your business. Plus we give you tips on how to make one profitable company of it.

Why you need to set up an events calendar

1. Attract more visitors

As an online shop in a specific industry, your customers are bound to be interested in events in that industry. A events calendar thereby acts as a magnet before you get the webshop to be built.

An events calendar attracts visitors interested in upcoming activities, events or services related to your business or online shop.

MTB Tours calendar

When potential customers visit your shop find through the events that you mention, you are more likely to convert them into loyal clients.

CASE STUDY : suppose you have a online mountain bike shop, then it is very useful to have an SEO optimised MTB tours calendar  set up.

According to a survey by Statista, it is online event discovery a common way for people to learn more to come across local activities. Therefore, your customers will experience an events calendar on your site or webshop as very useful.

2. Improve user engagement

Keeping visitors to your website engaged is essential. An events calendar offers a dynamic element that encourages users to return to your site.

It number of visitors (sessions) plays into the ranking of search results, but also the number of returning visitors as well as how long (how committed they are) they on the site to stay.

Your customers come back to updates to see about events, workshops or webinars, leading to more interaction and interest.

HubSpot research shows that engaging website visitors in your industry and activities, leads to higher number of purchases and more loyal customers.

READING TIP : 5 best CRO techniques.

3 more backlinks to your webshop

25 Backlinks for more webshop trafic

Customers and visitors interested in the events, activities, Webinars or other entries in your SEO-optimised events calendar will refer to it with a link to the event.

This automatically puts you on a natural way automatically the number of relevant backlinks will be able to increase.

Also backlinks are a important factor in determining the order that your webshop appears in the search results. So an events calendar also helps you indirectly by increasing the number of backlinks to your site. 

Why selling tickets through your event calendar is useful

1. Revenue generation

Selling tickets to events or activities listed in your calendar is a important source of income.

In doing so, you can use the price setting, (paying) offer promotions and safe payments directly on your webshop innen.

On the basis of these ticket sales generate additional revenue and tap into a lucrative market. 

A survey by Eventbrite it appears that 58% from the organisers of events believes it online ticket sales a key factor is for their success.

2. Commissions on ticket sales

If you organise events or work with event organisers, you can earning commissions on ticket sales.

This provides an additional revenue stream without having to organise events yourself. It is a win-win situation for both your company if the event organisers.

Eventbrite also reports that event organisers prepared Are part of their ticket revenue sharing. They prefer to do this with platforms that help with the promote and sell their tickets.

How to create an SEO-optimised event calendar

1. Choose an SEO-friendly plugin

Do you have a Build a Woocommerce webshop, then you can use a SEO friendly plug-in  Set up an events calendar.

Make sure you event details, descriptions, photos and keywords can customise. This allows you to customise each event optimise for search engines.

TIP : Need help choosing the right plugin? Then call on a Webshop Consultant. We are happy to help.

2. Optimise event titles and descriptions

Apply SEO optimisation techniques as you do for other pages on your webshop.

You do this as follows : 

  • clear and concise titles descriptions of events
  • use relevant keywords and synonyms to make it easy for search engines to understand the content. For example, if you are organising a music concert, use keywords such as 'live music event' and 'music performance'
  • make a internal and external link
  • take care of the meta tags with a title and a description
  • add a relevant picture add the event title

3. Add high-quality images

Images make your calendar attractive and make sure that there are good-looking. This attracts the attention of visitors and arouses interest for the events.

Use relevant, high-quality images for each event. Do not forget to alt text with the right keywords include. In this way, optimise the photo for the search engines as well.

ATTENTION : shrink the photo e.g. to a .WebP extension to make the event page load quickly. 

4. Create unique and informative content

When you detailed information provided about each event, make it  easier for users to decide. With this also improve your SEO.

Add all possible necessary details, such as ;  dates, times, locations and ticket prices of events.

In doing so, ask yourself what information potential attendees are looking for. Then add this information to your event page.

Summary : the benefits of an SEO events calendar

I'd like to summarise for you that setting up an SEO-optimised events calendar is a game-changer for your business. And this because of these 3 reasons ; it attracts more visitors, increases involvement of users and provides a fantastic opportunity to generate income through ticket sales and committees.

The tips to get the most out of this strategy here is ; choose a SEO-friendly plug-in, optimising the titles and descriptions of events, make use of high-quality images and offering unique and informative content.

By applying this, you not only increase the visibility of your webshop, but also create a valuable resource for your customers.

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