5 TIPS for a better webshop navigation.

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5 Essential tips to improve the navigation in the webshop

Improving the webshop navigation is crucial for a pleasant user experience at the visitors. This makes it easier to browse the webshop sell more webshop.

E-commerce success is not only dependent on an appealing design and quality products. In this blog we give you 5 handy TIPS to improve webshop navigation.

We do this together with a number of statistics that appeal to the imagination that show the impact of an online shop with a better structure.

1. Simplify and structure your menus

Key reasons why visitors leave your site - Goodfirms

Causes of poor shop navigation

Statistics have shown that web store visitors difficult navigation as one of the main reasons calls om leave an online store.

Other important reason why your customers leave the webshop :

  • slow loading product pages
  • are missing of the trusted payment method
  • extra cost at checkout
  • flawed or unclear product information

To tackle the problem of a malfunctioning navigation and provide a better webshop navigation experience to your (potential) customers, it is crucial to have your Eshop simplify and structure menus.

SOURCE : Website Design Statistics For Small Businesses – GoodFirms 

Solutions for better webshop navigation

By leaving out the superfluous and opting for clear, concise labels and icons, you can simplify the navigation self-evident, logical and recognizable to make.

Definitely provide one simplified navigation on mobile devices in the form of a hamburger menu. 

This aligns with what the customer expects and makes it easier for them to navigate your online store.

Websites with simple and intuitive navigation have a notable increase in average session time

In other words, the longer an interested customer stays in your webshop, the more likely he/she will make a purchase.

The improved navigation on the e-commerce site ensures that customers can easily browse through your product range. As a result, they find what they need faster.

In doing so, its SEO-optimised URL structure and the lack of broken links, decisive for maintaining a clear and a structured webshop.

2. Implement advanced search

Fibo search better webshop search function

The impact of a good search bar on the conversion of your webshop

By means of improved search bar to the webshop, customers can find products quickly and effortlessly. Fibo Search is our favourite, with this you can searching in different parts of your online webshop such as:

Add extra search functions in the online shop

Also by including filters like ; price range, colour, mate, brand

Provide an improved webshop search experience. This search filters are an improvement in site search.

This enables webshop customers to refine their search results and find the exact products they are looking for.

An efficient search function ensures that the customer finds what he/she is looking for. because of this satisfaction increases and visitors become customers by a better conversion

See websites that offer advanced search capabilities an average conversion rate increase of 30%.

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By implementing an improved search function on the site, you enable your customers to easily find what they need. This ultimately boosts your sales and revenue from your E-commerce business. 

3. Optimize for mobile devices

In the age of smartphones it is mobile webshop optimisation non-negotiable. Worldwide, 68% of website visits were via a mobile device (Study Perficient).

In order to offer customers a better web shop navigation experience with their mobile phone, it is of paramount importance that you optimize the webshop for mobile devices.

A webshop must be absolutely responsive. This means that the webshop must function properly on a mobile phone or a TABLET. This ensures improved mobile navigation and an improved smartphone experience.

Whopping 79% of the smartphone users made a purchase online with their mobile devices. Average 50% of purchases happens in a webshop through a smartphone

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SOURCE : Ecommerce Statistics – Oberlo

AQT now mobile first

A mobile-friendly webshop results in more sales

When your webshop is designed to mobile friendly visitors navigate effortlessly through your site on their smartphones.

This means that it, easier to navigate and te buy from your online store.

Get your Webshop built NOW

4. Add the breadcrumb navigation on your page

Breadcrumb navigation

What is a breadcrumb navigation?

Breadcrumb navigation is a simple but effective way to improve webshop navigation.

The breadcrumb trail shows the structure of the navigation and the exact location of the visitor in the webshop.

This ensures that by clicking on the link in the crumb navigation, the customer can easily return to the previous page.

The function of a breadcrumb trail

This brings clarity to navigation, and the feature significantly improves the overall browsing experience, reduces frustration for your shoppers, and improves engagement.

What is the effect of crumb navigation in a webshop

With an improved webshop hierarchy and enhanced breadcrumb navigation, your customers can effortlessly navigate your site and retrace their steps if necessary.

Experience websites with breadcrumb navigation a drop of 40% in bounce rates.

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The advantages of a breadcrumb navigation in a webshop

In summary, you can continue breadcrumb navigation to include in your webshop prevent your visitors from leaving due to navigation confusion. 

Customers better find their way around the structure of your webshop, stay in the online shop more easily and this in turn increases the likelihood of them buying or converting something. 

5. Keep the navigation depth at three levels or less:

Better webshop navigation structure

What exactly is the store navigation depth?

By navigation depth we mean it number of clicks from the homepage to reach the page. Research shows that a shopping cart navigation depth is ideally no more than 3 to 4 levels is. 

A shallow navigation structure and a simplified website hierarchy make it easy for visitors and potential customers easier to find products and navigate through your webshop.

There is a positive SEO effect. The “higher” the page is in the structure, the faster the bot finds, scans and includes your page in the search results. Therefore, lower ranking pages have less authority.

How to create a better browsing experience in your online store?

Through the minimize clicks needed to reach a specific category or product improve your browsing experience

The customer retains the overview, stays longer in your online store and thus increases the chance of conversion and a purchase.

SOURCE : Ecommerce Beginner SEO – Ahrefs

Webshops with a navigation depth limited to three levels have a increase in 25% seen in the total conversion rates.

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By providing a simplified navigation structure in the shop, you guide customers more effectively. This ensures that they are helped quickly and efficiently and find what they need.

The result is a higher conversion rate and more online sales. To make webshops more successful, we give tailor-made webshop advice. With this, we help clients make their E-commerce more successful. 


A well-designed and user-friendly webshop navigation system is essential to maximize user-friendliness and boost sales.

Summarized by following these five tips

  1. menus simplify 
  2. An handy search bar to install
  3. optimize for mobile use on cell phones and tablets
  4. inclusive breadcrumb navigation
  5. navigation depth limit to 3 or 4 levels or less

These 5 TIPS to improve webshop navigation will create a superior webshop experience that your customers will remember. Customers will definitely come back if they found what they were looking for in your online store quickly and easily.

Remember that a better webshop navigation experience leads to more involvement, higher conversion rates and ultimately a more successful online venture. Invest time and effort in these improvements and watch your webshop flourish!

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