Boost your sales – 5 surprising webshop ideas.

Boost sales - 5 Surprising webshop ideas

5 surprising webshop ideas, every industry has its possibilities

The 5 surprising weshop ideas. For any industry, niche or business is it possible to get one Woocommerce to build a webshop. E-commerce and online sales can no longer be ignored.

An online sales channel is next to your physical store an extra showcase for potential customers. E-commerce also provides a better cash flow within your company. That is why, as a company that does not sell online, you leave a very big chance for more sales to shoot. 

Here is an overview with 5 surprising webshop ideas.

The online tattoo shop

Online tattoo shop

Are you an artist and do you prefer tattoos? 

That makes a lot of sense, but did you know that everything you sell in your tattoo studio, you can also sell ONLINE via a Woocommerce webshop can sell. The online tattoo shop is the first of our 5 surprising webshop ideas. 

Here is an overview of what a tattoo artist can sell in a webshop: 

  • merchandise : turn your masterpieces into printed T-shirts, Hoodies, stickers or posters. For example, you can create via Vista print.
  • Care : online you can sell care products, lotions and creams. 
  • Makeup : customers who place a tattoo definitely love make-up, sell online the products that your customers use.
  • Art : if you are a tattoo artist, you are definitely with the skills for drawing or sketching your ideas. Sell them online and provide extra income
  • Books and magazines : your customers are definitely interested in the books and magazines that inspired you! Sell it online.
  • Tattoo supplies : do you see it big, you may be able to become a distributor of the brand where you put the tattoos; ink, needles, grips, etc…

Interior architect with a webshop

Interior architect with a webshop

Physical and digital products for webshop

The 2nd surprising idea for one Woocommerce webshop, is the shop of an interior architect. Do you like the perfect decoration of homes, companies or shops? Then you certainly have your favorite brands of lamps, furniture and decoration.

Here are the ideas what an interior architect can sell online in his/her webshop:

  • Interior design services : offers consultations for advice on the interior of your customers.
  • Decoration items : sell your favorite interior decoration in your own webshop, such as lamps, art or carpets.
  • 3D rendering : create 3D designs for customers and offer them online as a service. Many companies are also looking for this!
  • Sustainable design : many people are looking for sustainable design.
  • Design templates : create templates with color schemes, styles, brands and furniture arrangements and sell them online. 

Surprising webshop idea for a Personal trainer

Webshop idea for personal trainer

Extra cash flow for the personal trainer

As a personal trainer you are quite tied to the hours you can spend guiding clients. That's why this is 3rd idea of the 5 surprising webshop ideas very interesting

You want 7/7 days 24/24 hours keep making money? This can be done with one Woocommerce webshop. With this you offer products that ensure a better financial position in your company. 

As a sports coach you also advise your clients healthy food, give you advice about it best sports watch or do you guess the supplements for extra muscle mass.

Why not offer all these products at once in your fitness club?

Here is an overview of products that a personal trainer can sell online: 

  • Supplements : your customers are athletes, so they are also interested in extra protein, energy bars for during exercise, sports drinks and more.
  • Healthy food : athletes love healthy food, you can also offer this online
  • Sports watches and trackers : you are a fan of a specific sports watch brand? Offer it in an online shop.
  • Workout schedules : create training schedules and sell them online.
  • Bike fitting : do you work with cyclists? Then they are certainly interested in improving their cycling position, the advice online offers
  • Physical testing : offers test sessions for athletes, with report and advice for their training schedule. 

Webshop ideas for coffee bar.

Additional sales for coffee bar

Do you run a coffee bar? Have you ever thought about extra turnover and 24/24 h and 7/7 days sale? With Ecommerce and an (extra) online shop you can generate additional sales and additional cash flow.

You can fill dead moments with packing your orders and answering your customers questions. You fill the typical quieter moments in your coffee house efficiently with a money-generating extra income. 

By selling online, your purchase from the supplier grows, which in turn strengthens your negotiating position. 

As a result, you are not solely dependent on the coffee sold in your coffee bar, but you can even sell the delicious beans internationally. 

Here is our overview of products that a coffee bar can sell online : 

  • The coffee beans : sell the delicious beans that you use for your espresso or latté in the bar, online via your surprising webshop idea
  • merchandise : Make beautiful headlines with a nice caption and sell them online. T-shirts, caps and hoodies are also possible.
  • Chocolates and biscuits : those delicious pralines or the cookies you make can also fly out the door online!
  • Coffee bar on the road : offer you coffee on location and let customers book you online for their parties and events.
  • Coffee machines : you may be able to become a distributor of the brand of your espresso machine and sell the private appliances online.

Webshop ideas for a dog grooming salon.

Extra turnover for a dog groomer

Do you have a dog grooming salon and is keeping dogs looking their best your daily activity? Did you know you too can generate additional sales and earn money while you are at work? This is possible with an online store. Here you can sell a lot of products and services.

An overview of the products with which a dog grooming salon can earn extra: 

  • Dog care products : sell the shampoo, conditioner, combs and brushes that you use yourself online via a webshop.
  • Healthy snacking : your customers want the best for their animals, including healthy snacks. Find a brand that you can offer and sell online.
  • Dog fashion : owners who take such good care of their animal are certainly also interested in beautiful collars, halters and jackets for their pet. You can also sell this online 24/24 7/7.
  • Toys : a healthy dog is a sporty dog. Offer sustainable dog toys and sell them in your webshop. 

5 surprising webshop ideas summarized

That's how you get from us 5 surprising webshop ideas had. Perhaps a bit trivial at times, but did you get the message?

In fact, you can have a Woocommerce webshop have it made. 

An extra sales channel online with one Online Store is THE way to extra sales and business to generate. Of course it is crucial to take it seriously and to proceed in a well-considered manner. 

In the modern digital world, it seems essential to us that you also strengthen your online presence with a webshop for more sales and more visibility for your company.  

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