How an SEO consultant can skyrocket your E-commerce sales.

SEO consultant

Boost your ecommerce success with an expert SEO consultant and skyrocket your sales

Building a successful webshop is required more than just beautiful products and a sleek webshop.

To attract visitors to your webshop and boost sales, you need to be visible to potential buyers. You do this with interesting information, clarifying text, videos and via social media channels.

That's where you get the help of one  SEO consultant (*) can use. 

In this blog an overview of 5 examples and striking figures to show the importance and the impact of the help of an SEO expert.

* What is SEO - Search Engine Optimization

In-depth webshop performance analysis

Customized web shop advice - site health

Analysis of the webshop by an SEO consultant.

An SEO specialist starts with a very thorough investigation of your webshop. This is what we do on the basis of a webshop performance analysis.

The following factors are examined:

Did you know 40% of people leave a website That more than 3 seconds needs to load?

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READING TIP : Webshop with higher page speed

By performing an extensive analysis, an SEO consultant identifies areas for improvement. Based on this we give tailor-made webshop advice. With that improve your performance of your webshop and user satisfaction.

Have you no webshop yet Where we can help optimise and improve performance? We also help with building a new webshop. It is advisable to call on a Online store consultant

Keyword research and keyword optimization

Keyword analysis by an SEO specialist

Effective keyword research is the key to attracting targeted webshop visits (= potential customers) to your online store. As an SEO coach, we do an in-depth investigation to determine the most relevant keywords for your products or services to find.

We help if seo consultant effectively use these keywords: 

  1. in the content of your webshop
  2. the titles and subtitles
  3. (sub)categories
  4. the product descriptions
  5. product titles. 

The result of effective keyword research

This causes a improved visibility in search results of the search engines such as Bing, Google or Yahoo

Research shows that websites running in the top three results pages of search engines75% of the clicks received, which emphasizes the importance of keyword optimization.

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We use specialized tools for this analysis. We provide targeted information based on an analysis report web shop advice.

On-Page and Off-Page SEO - optimization

SEO consultant

An SEO helper for on-page SEO

An SEO consultant optimizes the category pages, blog posts and product pages of your webshop to improve their position in search engine results. In other words optimization of the content of the webshop.

In concrete terms, we optimize

  • the Page Title (title tags)
  • the Short description (meta descriptions)
  • the subtitles and sub-sub titles (header tags)
  • the description and titles of the images (alt text)

We do this through them to match the keywords – keywords that are relevant to your products and services.

Creating engaging and keyword-rich content (copywriting - blog article) is also part of an SEO expert's expertise, ensuring that your online shop appeals to both visitors and search engines.

Are you having trouble with the building your E-commerce website or finding the appropriate plugins or tools, then one can Woocommerce consultant help you create and maintain your online store.

READING TIP : Discover the 7 different types of SEO

Help with the OFF-page SEO

Off-page optimization involves making relevant and valuable backlinks from reputable websites, promotion on social media (with a link to your webshop) and content marketing.

Did you know that websites with a strong backlink profile score higher in the search results?

An SEO consultant helps you build a network of authoritative links, which increases the credibility of your webshop and you more website visitors (organic traffic).

Technical SEO improvements

Webshop with higher page speed - google

Technical SEO focuses on it optimizing the technical SEO aspects of your website for better search engine performance.

An SEO expert helps

  • implementing structured data markup (display of the reviews, price or stock position in the search results)
  • optimizing of XML sitemaps – overview page with all links/pages of your webshop
  • improving the speed of the webshop – a faster working online shop
  • improving the mobile usability – make it possible to shop via mobile phone or tablet

According to a Portent's research 47% expects consumers to load a web page in less than two seconds, and 40% exits a site that takes more than three seconds.

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On the other hand, can a one-second delay in page load time results in 7% less conversions.

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READING TIP : Increase page speed of your webshop.

By tackling these technical parts of the webshop, you improve the visibility and user experience of your online store, which leads to higher rankings and more visitors (potential customers).

Data-driven monitoring and reporting

If SEO consultant we keep constantly performance of your webshop in the eye. We monitor the ranking for the essential search terms.

As well as other important parameters such as the number of visitors, the conversion (orders/visitors), the bounce rate and many more to follow.

We do this by means of tailor-made webshop advice , website analytics and regular reporting. In this way we provide insights and a clear picture of the SEO progress.

As experts, we stay abreast of changes in search engine algorithms so you can adjust your strategies and stay ahead of the competition. 

Here you can request a webshop performance analysis. 

In summary: what can an SEO consultant do for you?

By investing in one SEO consultant, you transform your e-commerce store into a success story.

What we do for you as an SEO consultant:

  • webshop analysis / website analysis
  • keyword optimization and – research
  • on page and off page SEO improving elements
  • technical SEO improvements 
  • data-driven online shop follow-up and reporting

As an SEO expert, we help you increase your online visibility, generate relevant visitors and significantly increase your webshop turnover.

Need help from an SEO consultant?

Would you like to apply for one yourself? SEO consultant but you don't know how to get started? Book one web shop meeting (only 45 min) and we are happy to listen to your needs! Maybe we can help you.

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